Friday, August 31, 2012

Senior Portrait Collection | Jenna

Jenna is a senior at Westfield High School and will be graduating in the spring of 2013.
Isn’t she beautiful!?!
It was a bit chilly the evening we shot her senior portraits at the Village of West Clay, but with a couple quick breaks to warm up between shots it all worked out great.                   

Jenna, I know you will do great things and I really enjoyed shooting your senior portraits last week!
I hope you love these! XOXO

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Portrait Collection | Jessica & Chris & Shyla

I am finally getting around to sharing images from Jessica & Chris' recent photo session at Holcomb Gardens. I will admit that it was freakin’ cold that morning and the dew still on the grass totally soaked our feet, but we did not let that get in the way of some great images.
P.S. Shyla is such a good dog and a sweetheart!
Thanks again Chris and Jessica! I had a wonderful time. XOXO

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