Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Personal Collection | Beau

Meet Beau. We adopted him about a month ago from ARPO and he’s been keeping us busy ever since! He loves exploring everywhere. And he loves lying outside in the grass, but I am confident that his favorite activity is playing with Gigi. This little pup is fearless! And don’t let those sad little puppy eyes fool you… he is as happy as a clam and spoiled rotten! Big surprise, I know. 

If you’ve followed this blog long at all, you know that Dan and I both consider our pets part of the family. Such a commitment was put to the test last year when we found out that my dog Rufus had Cancer. He did well and stayed strong through almost nine months of Chemotherapy, but when the Lymphoma came back we had to say goodbye. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t miss and think about my dear Rufus, but Dan and I agreed that it is time to give another good dog a good life. And now Gigi doesn’t have to be lonely anymore, as her new playmate can’t seem to get enough of her! : )

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